I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Kindergarten Mathematics
Measurement and Data: I CAN...
StandardDescribe and compare characteristics of objects.
Core StandardK.MD 1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or
weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single objects.
K.MD 2 Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which objects has "more of"/"less of" the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter. |
In Other WordsThe child describes and compares objects using measurable attributes such as length and weight. For example: The giraffe has a long neck or the elephant is heavy. Which is heavier.. A bicycle or a motorcycle?
If MasteredK.MD.1 Using real measurement tools - scales and/or ruler, have child
make a prediction about how long or heavy an object is. Then help them
to use the tools to measure the object. How close was the prediction?
Use common items around your house: pair of scissors, book, piece of paper, pencil, marker, crayon, toy block,spoon, straw, cup, cookie sheet, DVD/CD case, sleeve on a shirt, window, etc. K.MD.1 Have child draw pictures and write about the objects they compare. Example: Child was comparing 2 crayons - a red crayon and a blue crayon. Child could draw/trace around 2 crayons, measure them with a "cube train"/blocks lined up or a ruler. They could write down how long each crayon is. Have child point to the tall crayon? shorter crayon? Add a third crayon. How does it compare to the red and blue crayon? |
If Not Yet MasteredK.MD.1 Math Activities -
Click Here K.MD1 *Measurement Sentence Frames (Set 1) *Measurement Sentence Frames (Set 2) *Concept Books - ex - "What is Heavy?" (These can be made individually or made into a class book by working on it as a "shared writing" lesson as a whole class.) K.MD.2. Math Activities - Click Here K.MD2 *Is It Longer? *Is It Shorter? *Comparing Towers *Which is Heavier? *Which Weighs More? *Which is Longer? |
StandardClassify, count, and sort objects into categories.
Core StandardK.MD 3 Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.
In Other WordsThe child classifies, counts, and sorts objects into categories.
If MasteredHave child sort objects that have more than one attribute.
Some fun ideas: *lids (from - milk jug, juice, plastic containers, laundry detergent, soap, pen, marker, etc.) *buttons (could be sorted by color, shape, number of holes, size) *scrapes of ribbon (could be sorted by color, shape, length, kind of edge on ribbon) |
If Not Yet MasteredMath Activities -
Click Here K.MD3 *Sorting Attribute Blocks *Button Sort *Pattern Block Sort |