I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Kindergarten Mathematics
Geometry: I CAN...
StandardName shapes and identify its position.
Core StandardK.G 1 Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and
describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as
above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
K.G 2 Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size. |
In Other WordsThe child uses positional words such as: "above", "below", or "next to" to describe the position of objects.
The child identifies and names shapes such as: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, and oval - no matter the size or orientation of the shape. |
If MasteredK.G.1 Math Activities -
Click Here K.G1 *Pattern Block Barrier Game *Barrier Game Grids (2 versions) K.G.2. Have your child find and identify shapes in the world around them - at the store, in the house, in the yard, in the garage, at the playground, as they are playing with toys, as you are out driving/running errands. They could keep a "Shape Journal" and draw, write or take pictures recording where they find different shapes. |
If Not Yet MasteredK.G.1 Take a small object - cube, small toy animal, pretzel - and a
plastic cup. Give your child "direction" words and have them place the
object in that spot in comparison to the cup. For example, place the
bear under the cup. Place the bear to the side of the cup.
Once your child is fluent with the position words, have child place the object in a position AND describe that position to you. For example, I put the bear under the cup. Math Activities - Click Here K.G1 *Geometry Sentence Frames *Shapes on the Geoboard *3-D Shape Sort Cards *The Shape of Things K.G.2 Math Activities - Click Here K.G2 *Geometry Sentence Frames (set 2) *Shape Robot Book template *Shape Sort *It's Not Just a . . . |
StandardIdentify and compare 2D and 3D shapes.
Core StandardK.G 3 Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, "flat") or three-dimensional ("solid").
K.G 4 Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/"corners") and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length). |
In Other WordsThe child identifies shapes as flats or solids. For example: A triangle is a flat shape and a cone is a solid shape.
The child compares two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes and describes their similarities and differences. Two-dimensional shapes are flat and three-dimensional shapes are solid. |
If MasteredK.G.3 Have your child find and identify shapes in the world around them
- at the store, in the house, in the yard, in the garage, at the
playground, as they are playing with toys, as you are out
driving/running errands.
They could keep a "Shape Book" and draw and write about where they find different shapes. K.G.4 See information at this website: Click Here Have your child verbalize what they notice about the shapes in objects around them. For example, when looking at a can of food: This can is a cylinder. It has two flat surfaces. The flat surfaces are circles. Then it has a round part. It can roll. Here is a marker it is also a cylinder. It is taller than the can of soup. The marker has two flat surfaces like the can of food. The marker can roll, too. |
If Not Yet MasteredK.G.3 Math Activities -
Click Here K.G3 *Geometry Sentence Frames (set 3) K.G.4 Math Activities - Click Here K.G4 *Shapes, Shapes, Shapes book Shape Information: The Science Museum of Minnesota offers information, strategies and activities that help children learn about shapes, including bubble shapes, shape walk and shape construction. Activities are organized into three categories: shapes and science, shapes and math, and shapes and language arts. Click Here |
StandardBuild and draw shapes.
Core StandardK.G.5 Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g., sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes.
K.G.6 Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes. For example, "Can you join these two triangles with full sides touching to make a rectangle?" |
In Other WordsBuild or draw shapes that are seen in the world.
Use smaller shapes to make a larger shape. For example, use two triangles to make a rectangle or use two square to make a rectangle. |
If MasteredProvide students with tangram pieces and ask them to create new shapes
using the greatest and least number of pieces possible. How many ways
can you make a rectangle, a square, a triangle using smaller pieces?
If Not Yet MasteredFor students needing additional support to master K.G.5 refer to the following website: Click Here
Possible activities include: Adjective Monster Illustrations Shape sort |