I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Kindergarten Language Arts (ELA)
Foundational Skills Print Concepts: I CAN...
Understand print concepts; track words.
Core Standard
RF.K.1 a. Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.
In Other Words
The child will point to each word when being read to or when reading text on his/her own.
If Mastered
Encourage your child to point to each word with their finger. Point out that words are read from left to right and that when a reader comes to the end of a sentence the finger sweeps back to the left and begins again. Once your chid is reading fluently and accurately they will begin to track with their eyes and not need to point to each word.
If Not Yet Mastered
The adult models how to track print (pointing to each word) when reading. As adult reads simple text the child is pointing to each word to practice this skill.
Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet
Core Standard
RF.K.1 d. Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
In Other Words
The child will name all the letters.
If Mastered
If a child can fluently (automatically/quickly) tell you letter names when looking at uppercase and lowercase letters, then you can start to work on mastering letter sounds.
If Not Yet Mastered
FCRR Activities: Click Here: *P.01 Alphabet Borders *P.02 Letter Cards *P.03 Alphabet Arc *P.04 Clip-A-Letter *P.05 Sorting Letters *P.06 Pasta Names *P.07 Poetry Pen *P.08 Alphabet Memory Game *P.09 Alphabet Tiles Name Sort *P.10 Ven Diagram Letter Name Sort *P.11 Lettercritter |