I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Fifth Grade Science
Life Science: I CAN...
StandardExplain how traits are inherited and how they affect survival.
Core StandardSCI 5.5.1
Using supporting evidence, show that traits are transferred from a parent organisms to its offspring. SCI 5.5.2 Describe how some characteristics could give a species a survival advantage in a particular environment. |
In Other WordsSCI 5.5.1
Students should be able to make and describe a chart identifying inherited traits and be able to contrast inherited traits brom learned traits or those affected by environment. They should be able to identify plants and animals that are begin different from thier parents and develop into similar organisms. SCI 5.5.2 The student should be able to research a specific plant or animal and report on how thier specific physical abilities, instincual behaviors, and specialized body sturctures provide an advantage for survival ina specific invironment. They should be able to discuss how this organism can survive their environment over another organism. |
If MasteredSCI 5.5.1
Explore this site: Learn Genetics SCI 5.5.2 Have real life discussions about organisms in their world encouraging the students to identify the traits, abilities, and behaviors that allow those organisms to exist within that specific environment. Explore the site Learn Genetics for activities and Teacher Lesson plans. |
If Not Yet MasteredSCI 5.5.1
Explore this site: Learn Genetics for activities and Teacher Lesson plans SCI 5.5.2 Help the students have real-life discussions about organisms in their world encouraging the students to identify the traits, abilities, and behaviors that allow those organisms to exist within that specific environmant. Explore the site Learn Genetics for activities and Teacher Lesson plans. Other useful resources: Animal Adaptations Science Netlinks |