I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Fourth Grade Mathematics
Numbers and Operations Base Ten: I CAN...
StandardIdentify the power of ten in place value
Core StandardNBT 4.1 Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. For example, recognize that 700 ÷ 70 = 10 by applying concepts of place value and division.
NBT 4.2. Read and write multi-digit whole numbers using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. Compare two multi-digit numbers based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons. |
In Other WordsYour child will have an understanding of what place value is and what it means. Students also can identify and describe the digits in a number by their place values (to the millions place). Also, students should be able to write numbers in expanded form and compare numbers (which is larger). For example, in 3663, the first 3 is in the thousands place and represents 3 thousands. The last 3 only represents 3 single units because it is in the ones place. I would write that number in expanded form as 3000 + 600 + 60 + 3. I can also recognize that 3663 is larger than 2999.
If MasteredIf mastered, explore the place values to the right of the decimal in preparation for later math units using decimals. You can introduce them to the tenths place and the hundredths place using the various activities found here.
If Not Yet MasteredUnderstanding place value starts with your child being able to name the place value of each digit. They also should be able to explain what place value is/means. For example, the "3" in 324 doesn't really have the value of "3" (like 3 pencils), it really has the value of 3 hundreds (that's why it is in the hundreds place). Here are two great videos on Place Value:
Click here. Study Jams Activity |
StandardRound whole numbers to any place value
Core StandardNBT 4.3 Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to
any place. |
In Other WordsYour child should be able to take a large number (about 4 digits) and round it to any given place value. For example, "Round 3453 to the hundreds". Here, students should be able to identify the hundreds place (the 4), look 'next door' at the 5 and decide to 'round the number up' to 3500. The hundreds place (the 4) went up and the numbers that follow are turned to zeros.
If MasteredIf mastered, try giving your child 'trickier' rounding problems like: Round 4397 to the tens place. This is trickier because, usually we just would bump the tens place number up one digit to round up. This is complicated by the 9- we cannot increase it and write a '10' in the tens place. Instead, you would change the hundreds place as well- you can think of it like moving from 39 to 40. Here, our answer would be 4400.
If Not Yet MasteredUnderstanding place value starts with your child being able to name the place value of each digit. As stated above, you may want to review place value before going over the rounding process. Try creating a step by step process for rounding- perhaps even write it down to refer to. Begin by having the student underline the place value they are to round to. Drawing an arrow from that digit to the one 'next door' (to the righ) will help them focus on whether or not to round up or down. After rounding the underline digit, all the numbers to the right become zeros. Click here to watch a video that goes over rounding.
StandardFluently add or subtract multi-digit whole numbers
Core StandardNBT 4.4 Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the
standard algorithm. |
In Other WordsStudents can add and subtract large numbers (about 5 digits) using the traditional standard algorithm (the way you/most of us would have learned in school as well).
If MasteredIf mastered, have your child extend their skills by using larger numbers. For subtraction, try creating 'trickier' problems by inserting more zero to create a problem where they will have to borrow more (Ex: 4010- 234). You could also introduce decimals to their adding and subtracting.
If Not Yet MasteredThe most common problem(s) with this concept involve not showing work with borrowing (subtraction) or carrying (adding). Review/ensure the importance of showing their work (crossing numbers out, writing the ones when carrying) and keeping the numbers lined up. Try using graph paper if your student has issues writing neatly and keeping their numbers lined up. Click here to watch a Khan Academy video on borrowing in subtraction.
StandardMultiply whole numbers up to four digit numbers
Core StandardNBT 4.5 Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole
number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. |
In Other WordsYour child can multiply 4 digit by 1 digit numbers (Ex: 4322 x 4) AND multiply 2 digit by 2 digit numbers (Ex: 34 x 54). Be able to use the 'standard algorithm' (how most people learn multiply), and show what is happening during the multiplication process using pictures (rectangular arrays/area models).
If MasteredIf mastered, have your child extend their skills by multiplying 3 digit by 2 digit numbers (Ex: 543 x 42). The general/overall process here is the same, but your child will need to repeat the same steps again for the third/additional digit.
If Not Yet MasteredFirst, a general knowledge of basic multiplication facts will make your child's life much easier. If needed, spend time reviewing/practicing multiplication facts.
If you prefer, use the fun website Multiplication.com Second, if your child knows their math facts use step by step processes/explanations to lead them through multiplying. Try this video. You may want to keep a written list of the steps on a paper for the student to refer to. |
StandardDivide whole numbers up to four digits with or without remainders
Core StandardNBT4.6 Find whole number quotients and remainders up to four-digit dividends and one digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
In Other WordsThis is commonly known as long division. Here students are expected to find the quotient (answer) to problems such as 4653 ÷ 4. The steps, which repeat themselves over and over are: Divide, multiply, subtract, and bring down. This youtube video shows how to do long division. While the narrartor calls his first step find, he is doing the process of division for that step. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK0ks0w8Kns
If MasteredIf your student has already mastered this concept, have him/her practice a problem each day. Allowing him/her to check his/her work with a calculator could help them stay motivated to work in this category. You could also have him/her create and solve his/her own word problems where long division would be necessary to solve. Here is a story problem example: Mary is having a party. She purchased 498 pieces of candy to divide EQUALLY among the 8 people that will be attending the party. How many pieces of candy does each guest recieve? Are there pieces left over?
If Not Yet MasteredHelpful Khan Academy video explanation.
Kidsnumbers.com also allows the students to play a game with long division. The student is only allowed to solve the problem step by step and cannot simply guess the answer. Another good resource for reviewing division is StudyJams.com |