I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Fourth Grade Science
Life Science: I CAN...
Identify the characteristics of Utah's wetlands, forest, and deserts and common organisms for each environment.
Core Standard
SCI 4.5.1
Describe the physical characteristics of Utah's wetlands, forests, and deserts. SCI 4.5.2 Describe the common plants and animals found in Utah environments and how these organisms have adapted to the environment in which they live. SCI 4.5.3 Students will understand the physical characteristics of Utah's wetlands, forests, and deserts and identify common organisms for each environment. Use a simple scheme to classify Utah plants and animals. |
In Other Words
SCI 4.5.1
Students will learn about the surface of each environment and how plants and animals are affected by the temperatures and precipitation that elevation and landscape creates. Then the students will predict what type of environment plants and animals live in. SCI 4.5.2 Students are asked to indentify plants and animals in each environment based on its characteristics. For example, students might be asked which plants/animals could survive in a forest. The student would need to know that the plants/animals would need to adapt to colder temperatures, greater precipitation, higher elevations, etc. SCI 4.5.3 Students will explain how scientists use classification schemes. They will use a simple classification system to classify unfamiliar Utah plants or animals (e.g., fish/amphibians/reptile/bird/mammal, invertebrate/vertebrate, tree/shrub/grass, deciduous/conifers) |
If Mastered
SCI 4.5.1
If student has mastered this concept, a family field trip to each environment could be helpful. Examples of family field trips could include: Great Salt Lake or Jordan River Parkway (wetland), any of the beautiful canyon areas (forest), southern and western UT including Zions National Park or Arches National Park (desert). While at each location, have students identify what characteristics the landscape must have to be considered a desert, wetland, or forest. The UEN.org website can also provide information about each concept. SCI 4.5.2 If student has mastered this concept, a family field trip to each environment could be helpful. Examples of family field trips could include: Great Salt Lake or Jordan River Parkway (wetland), any of the beautiful canyon areas (forest), southern and western UT including Zions National Park or Arches National Park (desert). While at each location, have student identify what characteristics a plant/animal would need to live in the enviornment. For example, a cactus has thick waxy leaves to protect it from the heat and prevent water loss. Several other examples can be found on the UEN.org website. SCI 4.5.3 Have students use the classification charts to classify plants and animals in their community. To practice animals use the Animal Key and to practice trees use the Tree Key. |
If Not Yet Mastered
SCI 4.5.1
If student has not yet mastered, the UEN.org website will give background information on the physical characteristics of each environment in UT. The link will also discuss how the animals/plants must adapt to live in each environment. A family field trip to each location may also help the child to see difference between each environment. Examples of family field trips could include: Great Salt Lake or Jordan River Parkway (wetland), any of the beautiful canyon areas (forest), southern and western UT including Zions National Park or Arches National Park (desert) SCI 4.5.2 If student has not yet mastered, the UEN.org website will give background information on the physical characteristics of each environment in UT. The link will also discuss how the animals/plants must adapt to live in each environment. A family field trip to each location may also help the child to see difference between each environment. Examples of family field trips could include: Great Salt Lake or Jordan River Parkway (wetland), any of the beautiful canyon areas (forest), southern and western UT including Zions National Park or Arches National Park (desert) SCI 4.5.3 Have student click on the animation to practice classifying trees. To practice animals click here. |