I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Fourth Grade Science
Earth Science: I CAN..
Describe, observe, measure, and record the basic elements of weather and use data to predict weather patterns.
Core Standard
SCI 4.2.1
Observe, measure, and record the basic elements of weather. SCI 4.2.2 Interpret recorded weather data for simple patterns. SCI 4.2.3 Evaluate weather predictions based upon observational data. |
In Other Words
SCI 4.2.1
MULTI PART: Describe the basic cloud types- what they look like and what weather they predict. Have knowledge on weather observing, recording, and explaning the results (Ex: rainfall in inches, temperature, cloud cover, etc). Understand that air is something that has weight, substance, and can be measured. Understand basic components of severe weather (relative to 'normal weather'). SCI 4.2.2 Student is able to read and understand data that has been recorded as it relates to weather. SCI 4.2.3 Student will understand how the weather affects our daily lives. They will also understand the different tools a meteorologist uses to determine the weather and to predict the forecast. |
If Mastered
SCI 4.2.1
If mastered, have your child investigate weather tracking by taking data themselves (help them set up charts they can use), take them outside, use the internet or news services to report on weather. They can also do research on a severe weather or a phenomena they find interesting (like hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.) *There are also many website that students can investigate: 1) StudyJams 2) Scholastic.com/kids SCI 4.2.2 Student can visit the website StudyJams.com to explain and discuss with parents or siblings the various tools used to determine a simple pattern in weather data. This website offers vocabulary words, slideshows and examples that a meteorologist uses such as thermometers, anemometer, barometer and hygrometers in recording weather data. Students can also visit uen.org to experience on-line websites which reinforce weather topics such as Edheads Weather Predict the weather and report it too! National Weather Service Make your weather prediction and compare it with the one given by the professionals. USGS Water Resources of Utah This site is loaded with Water Science for schools, Water Data, Projects, a great, Great Salt Lake page, and students can even ask questions. SCI 4.2.3 Student can visit the website ScienceKids and explain the tools a meteorologist uses to predict weather forecasts to a sibling or parent. Student can go to the website StudyJams.com to discuss weather vocabulary words, watch videos and play on line games that reinforce the how weather affects our daily lives. |
If Not Yet Mastered
SCI 4.2.1
UEN.org offers a great text explanation on the weather standards Many experiments and lessons are also available from uen.org that you can do at home with your student. StudyJams.com offers a collection of videos that explain weather instruments. SCI 4.2.2 A parent or sibling can can visit the website StudyJams.com to explain and discuss with their child the various tools used to determine a simple pattern in weather data. This website offers vocabulary words, slideshows and examples that a meteorologist uses such as thermometers, anemometer, barometer and hygrometers in recording weather data. After you have reviewed the information there are online games your child can play to reinforce the concept. SCI 4.2.3 Parent can visit the website ScienceKids to reinforce concepts on the weather. Parent and child can visit StudyJams.com to watch videos, review vocabulary and play on-line games that will reinforce how weather affects our lives and what tools a meteorologists uses to predict the weather forecast. |
StandardExplain the properties of rocks, the processes involved in the formation of soil, and the needs of plants provided by soils.
Core StandardSCI 4.3.1
Identify basic properties of minerals and rocks. SCI 4.3.2 Explain how the processes of weathering and erosion change and move materials that become soil. SCI 4.3.3. Observe the basic components of soil and relate the components to plant growth. |
In Other WordsSCI 4.3.1
Student is able to explain the difference between minerals and rocks. They are able to explain and give examples of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. They will also be able to sort rocks that are commonly found in Utah. SCI 4.3.2 Explain how rocks become soil and tell the difference between weathering (breaking down) and erosion (movement). SCI 4.3.3 Describe layers of soil including topsoil, subsoil and bedrock. Explain what soil is made of (minerals, rocks, air, water, living and dead materials). Explain how plants can be used to control erosion. Discuss how to grow plants without soil. |
If MasteredSCI 4.3.1
Have student teach a sibling or parent about rocks and minerals using videos, examples and quizzes found on the StudyJams website. Student can complete online science experiments that reinforce rocks and minerals at ScienceKids. SCI 4.3.2 Have your student describe layers of soil including topsoil, subsoil and bedrock. Explain what soil is made of (minerals, rocks, air, water, living and dead materials). Explain how plants can be used to control erosion. Discuss how to grow plants without soil. SCI 4.3.3 If you have access to a garden, you can have your soil tested by Utah State University Explore hydroponics at www.hydroponics101.com See also the standard immediately above. |
If Not Yet MasteredSCI 4.3.1
Parent can visit the website ScienceKids to find definitions and examples to aid child in understanding the difference between minerals and rocks. SCI 4.3.2 Please see the interactive game "The Rock Cycle" and the information about examples of weathering and erosion. SCI 4.3.3 Soil composition webquest |
StandardExplain how fossils are formed, where they may be found in Utah, and how they can be used to make inferences.
Core StandardSCI 4.4.1
Describe why fossils are usually found in sedimentary rock. SCI 4.4.2 Explain how fossils can be used to make inferences about past life, climate, geology, and environments. |
In Other WordsSCI 4.4.1
Tell about fossils found in Utah including how they were formed SCI 4.4.2 Students are asked to describe what Utah may have looked like at one time based upon the fossils found in that part of the state. For example, many trilobite fossils have been discovered in Tooele County so the area at one time must have been covered by water since trilobites were sea creatures. |
If MasteredSCI 4.4.1
Explore the resources at DiscoveryChannel. If you have time or resources you can visit Dinosaur National Park in Vernal, UT or visit the park online at the NPS Website. SCI 4.4.2 If your student has mastered this concept, a trip to the Museum of Natural History at the University of Utah, George S. Eccles Dinosaur Park in Ogden, Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point, Dinosaur National Monument in Vernal, or USU Eastern Prehistoric Museum in Price could be fun places to have discussions about dinosaurs found in Utah and what environment they needed to survive. |
If Not Yet MasteredSCI 4.4.1
Explore the Utah State Office of Education Sci-Ber text. SCI 4.4.2 If student has not yet mastered this concept, UEN.org can provide you with information about fossils found in different locations in Utah as well as what the environment once was in order to host that type of plant/animal. Going to the Museum of Natural History at the University of Utah or George S Eccles Dinosaur Park in Ogden may also be a fun idea of how to get your student thinking about how the land in Utah may have been like. |