I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Third Grade Language Arts (ELA)
3rd Grade Language: I Can...
Use grammar skills when writing or speaking.
Core Standard
L.3.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. a. Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences. b. Form and use regular and irregular plural nouns. c. Use abstract nouns (e.g., childhood). d. Form and use regular and irregular verbs. e. Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses. f. Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement. g. Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modifield. h. Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. i. Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.
L.3.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Capitalize appropriate words in titles. b. Use commas in addresses. c. Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue. d. Form and use possessives. g. Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and correct spellings. |
In Other Words
Understand the parts of speech nouns (common, proper, singular, plural, irregular, singular and plural possessive), pronouns (subject, object and possessive), verbs (past, present and future tense, helping), adjectives (comparative and superlative), adverbs (comparative and superlative), prepositions and conjunctions. Learn the rules for plural nouns (-s, -es, -ies, f or fe to -ves) and subject-verb agreement.
The student should have a clear understanding of the four types of sentences and know their endmark (., !, ?). They should know the capitalization rules, form contractions, use commas and quotation marks. |
If Mastered
Activity 1: Once your child has mastered the parts of speech, challenge them to transfer their knowledge to improve their writing. They can use adjectives to spice up their sentences. For example: My uncle adopted a dog. New sentence: My uncle adopted a large, slobbery dog.
If Not Yet Mastered
Activity 1: Study the different parts of speech and identify them. Can your child find the noun in a sentence? a verb? adjective? adverb? pronoun? Give them many examples to help them learn to identify each part of speech. Category Sort v.023 Click Here.
Activity 2: Cut a sheet of paper into eight squares. On four pieces write nouns and on the other four pieces write verbs. Mix them up and ask your child to put the words into the two categories: Nouns and Verbs. Ask why they choose the word to go into that category. Activity 3: Composing Cinquain Poems with Basic Parts of Speech, Click Here Activity 4: Check to see if your child can identify a sentence. It's surprising how many young writers don't know when a sentence starts and when one should end. Once they can identify a full sentences make sure they start each sentence with a capital and end it with the appropriate endmark (., !, ?). |
StandardUse spelling patterns when writing.
Core StandardL.3.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. (e) Use conventional spelling for high-fluency and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words (e.g., sitting, smiled, cries, happiness). (f) Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.
In Other WordsStudents will spell regular and irregular words correctly by using and applying previously taught spelling patterns.
If Mastered |
If Not Yet MasteredActivity 1: Compound Construction AP.014, Click Here. Activity 2: Jar Sort P.021, Click Here. Activity 3: Star Search AP.005.AM2a, Click Here.
Use context clues, affixes and roots to determine the meaning of vocabulary words and phrases.
Core Standard
L.3.4 Determine and clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
RL 3.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language. RI 3.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic subject area. |
In Other Words
The goal for the student is to learn complex words. Adding prefixes and suffixes to base words can change their meaning. For example: the prefix re- means "again". I can add the prefix re- to the base word play. Now my new word is replay. It means to play again. Other important concepts include: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, homophones, and compound words.
If Mastered
Your child should be able to identify and explain the meanings of the prefixes (un-, re-, pre-, out-, dis-, in- and im-) and the suffixes (-ly, -less, -ful, -er, -est, -sion and -tion). They should also know the meanings of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, homophones, and compound words. Once these are mastered, then you can help expand your child's knowledge by introducing them to more prefixes and suffixes. Activity 1: Make it Meaningful V.012, Click Here. Activity 2: Inside Information, V.018, Click Here. Activity 3: Synonym Dominoes V.002, Click Here. Activity 4: Sentence Match V.013AMI, Click Here.
If Not Yet Mastered
Activity 1: Affix Match V.010, http://www.fcrr.org/studentactivities/v_010b.pdf. This fun game is a matching game. Try to match these cards: re- and again. Activity 2: Word Winner helps students use strategies to identify the meaning of words in context. V.044, Click Here. Activity 3: Oh, My Word! V.016, Click Here. Activity 4: Affix Concentration V.009, Click Here. Activity 5: Synonym Bingo! V.001, Click Here.