I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Second Grade Language Arts (ELA)
Writing: I CAN...
StandardWrite opinion pieces using reasons.
Core StandardW 2.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic, state an opinion, supply reasons that support, use linking words to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement.
In Other WordsWrite a paper that has an introduction, an opinion, reasons, is connected with words like, first, lastly, finally and has a concluding statement.
If MasteredWrite a letter, to a school, county, city or state leader, telling them of concerns people have in your community. Student's writing needs to Include the concern, opinions, support those opinions with details, and a wrap up with possible solution.
If Not Yet Mastered Write a letter convincing a parent for an opportunity or wish. Help guide the student with the following: The letter should have an introduction. State at least three reasons why you think you deserve to be remembered for the opportunity or wish. For example: I have made my bed every day for a week so I think that shows I have been a good boy. Include a closing statement. If this is too difficult, additional support can be given for example - Help the student by asking questions, the student gives the answers orally. If necessary, scribe for the student. When finished have the student copy "their letter" in their own handwriting.
StandardWrite narrative texts to recount events.
Core StandardW 2.3 Write narratives in which they recount an event, or short sequence of events, details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure.
In Other WordsWrite a story keeping events in order. Needs details to describe thoughts, feelings and or actions. Must also have words that show order like, First, next, after that, finally and last.
If MasteredWrite a story keeping events in order. Be sure to have a good beginning, using paragraphs with main idea sentences as well as description of thoughts, feelings and or actions. Must also have words that show order like, First, next, after that, finally and last.
If Not Yet MasteredWrite a story with help using the prompt words first, next, then, after and finally to help order the story correctly.