I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Second Grade Language Arts (ELA)
Speaking and Listening: I CAN...
StandardEngage effectively in conversations by following discussion rules, building upon other's ideas, and asking for clarification.
Core StandardSL 2.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
In Other WordsStudents are able to be involved in conversations about a 2nd grade topics that have been read about with other students and/or adults.
If MasteredRead and discuss books, newspaper and magazine articles, etc. your child self-selects or you select. Give them a variety. Read together until your child is ready for chapter books. At that point read some books together and some separately. Discuss what was read in any situation you have together such as while driving, or doing dishes or any other household chore.
If Not Yet MasteredRead to or with your child, and have the same discussions as outlined in reading and writing of narrative and informative text. For example: Read signs on the road, read cereal boxes to your student. Discuss what they mean. Read and discuss a story, read and explain a math story problem, read, discuss and follow a recipe.