I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Second Grade Mathematics
Measurement and Data: I CAN...
Standard |
Core Standard |
In Other Words... |
If Mastered |
If Not Yet Mastered |
Measure and estimate lengths in standard units
MD.1 Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.
MD.2 Measure the length of an object twice, using length units of different lengths for the two measurements; describe how the two measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen. MD.3 Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, centimeters, and meters. MD.4 Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another, expressing the length difference in terms of a standard length unit. |
Second grade students will be able to choose an appropriate measuring tool to measure the length of an object and be able to compare and calculate the differences in lengths of objects. They will be able to estimate (guess) the length of an object based on the unit of measure (inches, feet, etc.)
To extend students' understanding of measurement, ask students to explain their thinking. For example: Why is a ruler a good tool to measure the height of your chair or the length of your desk. Would a ruler be a good tool to measure the distance around the school? Explain your thinking. Provide students with multiple measuring tools and ask them to choose the tool they would use to measure various lengths and heights and to document their results and whether it was a good tool to use.
Student works problems together with a parent. Gather a group of items to measure,
such as string, books, chair, desk, arm, etc. If the student is having difficulty measuring begin with a nonstandard unit of measurement such as unifix cubes, a paper clip, or a crayon. Ask the student to estimate "about how long" each item is first before measuring. Then begin to measure in inches and continue to practice measuring lengths of items until a larger unit of length measurement has been reached, such as a yard. Continue this process with metric measurements. Start with centimeters then move to meters. •http://real.doe.k12.ga.us/content/math/destination_math/MSC1/msc1/msc1/msc1/msc1/module3/unit1/session1/lesson.html? •http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-2/which-unit-of-length-is-appropriate •http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-2/which-metric-unit-of-length-is-appropriate |
Standard |
Core Standard |
In Other Words... |
If Mastered |
If Not Yet Mastered |
Solve problems involving length using addition and subtraction
2.MD.5 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve word problems involving lengths that are given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as drawings of rulers) and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Second grade students will use drawings to help them solve word problems that include lengths of objects of the same unit. They will write equations to show the numbers they are calculating.
For additional resources refer to: http://ccssmath.org/?page_id=258 |
For students needing additional support, refer to the following website: http://ccssmath.org/?page_id=258
Possible activities: K-5 Math Teaching Resources Linear Measurement Word Problems More Length Word Problems Learn Zillion Instructional Videos NCTM Illuminations Numbers and Language Online Practice from IXL Measurement: Customary units of length: word problems Measurement: Metric units of length: word problems |
Make up addition and subtraction problems.
Example: Suzy has a pencil that is three inches; when put together with Tom’s pencil they equal 12 inches. How long is Tom’s pencil? (3 inches + Δ = 12 inches) I have 99 centimeters of string. I cut off 23 centimeters. How many centimeters do I have left? (99 cm - 23 cm = Δ cm) .• http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-2/metric-units-of-length-word-problems http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-2/customary-units-of-length-word-problems •http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/length_strength1_centi/ •http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/length_strength1_inches/ |
Standard |
Core Standard |
In Other Words... |
If Mastered |
If Not Yet Mastered |
Tell and write time to the nearest 5 minutes
2.MD.7 Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.
Students will be able to write and tell the time to the nearest 5 minute increments (1:45) using analog and digital clocks.
The following website provides students with an opportunity to extend their understanding of time: http://www.insidemathematics.org/assets/problems-of-the-month/once%20upon%20a%20time.pdf
Practice setting clocks http://real.doe.k12.ga.us/content/math/destination_math/MSC2/msc2/msc2/msc2/msc2/module3/unit2/session1/lesson.html?
Play a concentration game using the analog and digital times written on cards to match each other, clocks can be found at http://www.time-for-time.com/worksheets/write5minute.pdf |
Standard |
Core Standard |
In Other Words... |
If Mastered |
If Not Yet Mastered |
Solve problems involving money
2.MD.8 Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
Second grade students will be able to solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies and use $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
The following website provides students with an opportunity to extend their understanding of money: http://www.insidemathematics.org/assets/problems-of-the-month/courtney's%20collection.pdf
••Have students identify coin names and values . Then have them practice adding coins that are in two different pants pockets.
•Use coins and practice adding amounts .Show 3 dimes and four pennies. This equals what amount? Count it out with the student. Helpful websites: •Click here •Click here •Click here |
Standard |
Core Standard |
In Other Words... |
If Mastered |
If Not Yet Mastered |
Generate, represent, and interpret data with up to four categories using line plots and graphs
2.MD.9 Generate measurement data by measuring lengths of several objects to the nearest whole unit, or by making repeated measurements of the same object. Show the measurements by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in whole-number units.
Measure and record the lengths of several objects to the nearest whole number. Then, create a line plot by drawing horizontal line marked off in whole numbers. Write x's above the number on the line to show how many of each item were that length. Click on this link for an example of a line plot.
The following website provides students with an opportunity to extend their understanding of line plots: http://www.insidemathematics.org/assets/problems-of-the-month/through%20the%20grapevine.pdf
Have your child explain the procedure to measure and plot data before they begin measuring. Then use measurement tools to draw and measure various objects. Then create a line plot using the information.
•http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-2/create-line-plots •http://www.lauracandler.com/filecabinet/math/PDF/lineplotpractice.pdf •http://www.lauracandler.com/filecabinet/math/PDF/lineplotsample.pdf Draw a pictograph and a bar graph to represent a data set with up to four categories. Use this link to download a blank pictograph page: http://www.teachervision.fen.com/graphs-and-charts/graphic-organizers/44529.html?detoured=1 Favorite cookies, colors, sports, ice creams, doughnuts, or T.V. shows can be used for the data categories. (Make up the numbers in your data sets.)Example: red 8, yellow 4, green 6, blue 2. Have the student give each graph a title, label each side and bottom of the graph, and place number marks appropriately. Solve simple put-together, take-apart, and comparison problems using information presented in a bar graph. •http://primaryschoolict.com/pictograph/ •http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-2/create-pictographs •http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-2/interpret-bar-graphs •http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-2/which-bar-graph-is-correct •http://www.k-5mathteachingresources.com/2nd-grade-measurement-and-data.html |