I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for Second Grade Language Arts (ELA)
Language: I CAN...
StandardUse grammar skills when writing or speaking.
Core StandardL 2.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
L 2.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. |
In Other WordsUse correct grammar especially with verb and noun combinations. For example, proper nouns, possessive nouns, singular and plural nouns. Verbs with singular and plural nouns, Verbs showing past, present and future. The verb to be - am, is, are, was, were. Adjectives that describe: our senses, number, size and shape, adjectives that describe when and where, and comparative and superlative adjectives i.e. tall, taller, tallest. Singular and plural pronouns, and using I and me
Know how to capitalize the first word of a sentence, proper nouns, and the heading, greeting, and closing of a letter. Use commas correctly in the date, greeting and closing of a letter. Write contractions with the apostrophe in the correct spot as part of the spelling. Use quotation marks and commas correctly in a sentence. |
If MasteredUse correct grammar in complex sentences especially with irregular nouns and verbs, adjectives and adverbs. A great way to do this could be to tell stories in a group of two or more. Start with a noun. Next person adds a verb. Take turns with each person adding a word or a phrase. Each person states the what has been said by previous players and adds on. Add verbs, adjectives, adverbs etc. Once you have a couple of sentences then restate it in past, present and future tense. This can be a game for the whole family.
Trade letters with another writer. Edit the other writer's paper while they edit your own. Discuss corrections especially of errors with punctuation, capitalization, apostrophes and quotation marks. Then each writer is to fix the errors on their letter. Explain why the conventions of grammar need to be changed. |
If Not Yet MasteredSome students may need additional support with English grammar. Choose a verb that students can act out, like jump, skip, hop, laugh, cry etc. Use sentence starters like: Today I....Yesterday I... and Tomorrow I.... help the students hear the correct verb tense. When students have the tenses down change the nouns. Change the sentence starter to: Today two boys.... Yesterday two boys.....Tomorrow two boys will.... This gives children opportunity to match verb to noun. As they improve add adjectives and adverbs. With continued exposure they will be able to speak and write in proper tense. More activities are found at: Silly Sentence structure C004, Build a Sentence C005, Picture Cube C006 Click here for a .pdf to download from FCRR.
Look at a paper or a letter written by someone else with proper capitalization and punctuation. A newspaper could work. Circle the commas in the date, greeting and closing. Have the student write your own story, event, or article. The student should make adjustments to their own work as needed. Do the same with capital letters, apostrophes, quotation marks and periods. Provide help as needed. |
StandardUses correct capitalization and punctuation
Core Standard |
In Other Words |
If Mastered |
If Not Yet Mastered |
StandardApply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in writing.
Core StandardL 2.3 Uses knowledge of language and its conventions when writing.
In Other WordsStudents will hear a word, words or sentence. Listen to it's sounds and write what they hear.Students may need extra help with spelling contractions and abbreviations.
If MasteredAs students master more difficult words, apply this same skill to whole sentences. In addition, apply the technique with their own writing.
If Not Yet MasteredDepending where the child is...Use the same skill with just beginning sounds of words. Then graduate to simple 3 letter short vowel words. After that graduate up to short vowel four letter words with blends. Begin with a routine that sounds like: What is the first sound you hear in. . . . now write it. What is the second sound? Now write it. What combination of letters make the next sound? Help the student to see that each sound has a corresponding letter or letter combinations for sounds. For Help with contractions: Matching Game direction on K-1 V001 using pages V00aAM1h ang V001 AMg for the matching cards. Contraction Bingo Activity directions on V001 use sheets V.001.AM1a and V.001.AM1b for the game board. V.001.AM2a to V.001.AM2d for the game cards. Click here to download a printable set of cards. For help with abreviations: Memory Match using pages V.001.AM1h and V.001.AM1i for the word cards. Click here to download a set of Memory Cards. Abbreviation Match up activity directions on V005. Use pages V.005.AM1a to V.005.AM1e to make the word cards. Click here to download a printable set of the word cards.
StandardUse context clues, prefixes and roots to determine the meaning of vocabulary words and phrases.
Core StandardL 2.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content.
RI 2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area. RL 2.4 Describe how words and phrases (e.g. regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem or song. |
In Other WordsDetermine the meaning of a multiple -meaning word, or a unknown word by using the other words around it. Or by using word parts such as prefixes.
If MasteredDetermine the meaning of more difficult multiple -meaning words, or a unknown words by using the other words around it. Get these words from any text you and your child read. Also use prefixes and other word parts for helping to determine meaning. Activities include: Oh my Word V.016, Word Wrap V.017, Inside Information V.018 i and Word Web V.019 Click here to download a .pdf from FCRR.
If Not Yet MasteredDraw two pictures of a multiple meaning word. Write the word (or a sentence) under each picture. Example: Draw a wave in the ocean on one side of the paper and a person waving to a friend on the other. Additional ideas such as Multi-Meaning Bugs activity V.012 can be found by clicking here.