I-CANyons Parent Toolkit for First Grade Language Arts (ELA)
Language Standards: I CAN...
Use grammar skills when writing or speaking
Core Standard
Use grammar skills when writing or speaking
In Other Words
Students will be able to write using the correct form of common nouns (person, place or thing), proper nouns (a specific noun that begins with a capital letter), or possessive nouns (nouns that show ownership). Students will be able to write using verbs (action words) and adjectives (describing words). Examples: Nouns-teacher, school, pencil. Proper nouns-February, Dr. Smith. Possessive nouns-girl's cat, Bobby's house. Verbs-run, jump, play. Adjectives-red, big, soft.
Students will use correct capitalization at the beginning of sentences and with proper nouns. They will also be able to add correct punctuation at the end of sentences. (period, question mark or exclamation mark) |
If Mastered
Have your child go on a scavenger hunt around the house and find 10 objects that are nouns. Have your child write down what the objects are and why they are nouns. Next, have them write sentences including adjectives to describe the objects. Finally, have them extend their sentences with verbs to tell what actions can go with the objects they have described. Visit the following website with your child for some challenging activities using commas, once they are confident with ending punctuation. Explain how inserting commas in different places can change the meaning of the sentence. Make up silly sentences together and insert commas in different places to show how the meaning of the sentence changes.
http://www.ehow.com/info_7917405_teaching-strategies-commas-first-grade.html#ixzz2WnK68vZ4 |
If Not Yet Mastered
Do the following activities on this website: http://www.fcrr.org/curriculum/pdf/GK-1/V_Final.pdf V.006, V.007, V.008. Then have your child write the nouns, adjectives and verbs. Then identify if they are a personApply spelling patterns when writing., place or thing (noun), describing words (adjectives) or actions words (verbs). If they are having trouble,use support as needed. With your child, visit the following website and discuss what needs to be changed in the sentences. Make sure each sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with the appropriate punctuation. http://abcschoolhelp.com/language_arts/grade1/capitalization/gr1_capitalization2.shtml
Apply spelling patterns when writing.
Core Standard
L.1.2d Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.
In Other Words
Students will be able to spell words using frequently used spelling patterns (see weekly homework sheet/packet) and by sounding out words one sound at a time.
If Mastered
Use magnetic alphabet letters to spell more difficult words that go along with weekly units. They can practice spelling high-frequency words, amazing words, and challenge spelling words. To extend this activity, children can use the words they spell to write sentences.
If Not Yet Mastered
Use magnetic alphabet letters to practice letter and sound identification. Put them on the refrigerator or any flat metal surface. Have your child play "find the letter", first by name and then by its corresponding sound. Next, begin arranging letters into words using beginning word families. (-at, -an, -ig, -op, -it, etc.)
Use context clues, affixes, and root words to determine the meaning of vocabulary words and phrases.
Core Standard
L.1.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
R.L.1.4 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. R.i.1.4 Ask and answer question to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text. |
In Other Words
Students will be able to figure out the meaning of words by using other words in the sentences and asking questions. They will also be able to use clues from frequently used root words by taking off the prefixes and suffixes. Example: undo. The prefix is "un" the root word is "do." Example: playful. The suffix is "ful" the root word is "play."
If Mastered
Word Wizard: V.015: Use this activity to challenge your child with defining words they come across in their reading or weekly units. http://www.fcrr.org/Curriculum/pdf/GK-1/V_Final.pdf. Practice adding prefixes and suffixes to base words: P.059, P.060 http://www.fcrr.org/curriculum/pdf/GK-1/P_Final_Part7.pdf.
If Not Yet Mastered
In Multiple Meaning Bugs (pages 68-79), students identify the different meanings for a common word. http://www.fcrr.org/Curriculum/pdf/GK-1/V_Final.pdf. On page 34-37, your child can practice adding endings to base words to form new words. http://www.fcrr.org/Curriculum/pdf/GK-1/P_Final_Part7.pdf. All of these activities could be adapted to include specific words from current lessons.